By Francesco Gervasi, Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila El objetivo y la justificación de la investigación …
The Fidencista Movement
“Fidencistas” is the name given to believers and faithful followers of El Niño Fidencio. The name “Fidencista” comes from the full name of El Niño: Jose Fidencio Sintora Constantino.

The Fidencistas visit the village of Espinazo, Nuevo León, a desert village located two hours north of Monterrey. El Niño Fidencio lived and grew on Espinazo and his spiritual birth was under a pirul tree.
The Fidencistas visit the tomb of El Niño and also participate in the Espinazo pilgrimages and pay tribute to his tomb. It is customary for believers to sing and praise in their graves. The pilgrimages are directed by a “matter” of the local mission. Matter is a “box” of the spirit of El Niño.

The image of the box represents the act of when the matter channels the spirit of El Niño. Through matter, El Niño heals, advises, and comforts the people who visit it and also for those who seek it. When the subject is being channeled, El Niño takes charge and it is when they refer to the subject as El Niño.
The faithful followers congregate in a temple that is guided by a matter. The altar is fundamental for the temple and is dedicated to Niño Fidencio. It is usually decorated with El Niño photographs and other items such as candles, incense, and photographs of the needy. The altar is considered as a very special place and therefore it is very careful and constantly cleaned.
The March holidays are celebrated every 17, 18 and 19 of the month. They are also celebrated in honor of the day of their saint and on October 17 to 19 they celebrate their birthday. During the holidays, the Fidencistas arrive from Colorado, Michigan, California, and Texas as well as from the interior of Mexico to visit “The Holy Land.” The Fidencistas and interested visitors fill the streets of Espinazo waiting for a glimpse of the spirit of the Child.

If you would like more information about the life of El Niño Fidencio and El Movimiento Fidencista, please visit the following link that includes an article written by Dr. Antonio N. Zavaleta titled: “El Niño Fidencio” A Popular Saint for the New Millennium.